Why Efficiency Expectations Harm Physician Well-being
As documentation demands reach an all-time high and burnout continues to tighten its grip on the healthcare industry, momentum is building for the notion that doctors need time to “slack” to be effective.
28 Jun 2022
The Pandemic's Impact on Work-Life Balance
No one thinks more about work-life balance than the typical medical provider. But for the rest of society, the global pandemic has been a giant wake up call. As the world has changed since March 2020, so have many individual priorities.
02 Jun 2022
Efforts to Recruit Female Physicians in Hospitals
When it comes to seeking out high-quality employees, many businesses will spare no expense to ensure they find the best.
13 May 2022
The High Cost of Physician Burnout: A Look at Rising Expenses
For the third straight year, Medical Economics has dedicated an entire issue to the Costs of Burnout—from an in-depth analysis of its scope to what can be done to help improve it.
20 Apr 2022
Virtual Scribes: Strategies to Optimize their use in Healthcare
So, you’ve decided to make the leap toward more time and hire the services of a Virtual Scribe. Smart move, but to make sure you get all that you can out of your new professional relationship, there are a few steps to consider before officially getting things underway.
30 Mar 2022
The Impact of Telemedicine on Medical Documentation
The screen between. Since the onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic, we’ve all become more accustomed to computer screens stepping in as a replacement for many of our in-person interactions.
02 Feb 2022
Boost Your Practice Productivity in 2022: Tips and Strategies
Chances are, you’ve decided to ring in the New Year with a resolution or two in mind. There’s nothing quite like a blank slate and a fresh start to make you feel like you’ve got the world at your fingertips.
18 Jan 2022
How Women Physicians are Making Their Mark
Times, they are a-changin’. And within a large majority of today’s operating rooms and medical offices, so is the gender of many practicing physicians.
04 Jan 2022
Healthcare Administrators Address Physician Burnout
Burnout is real, and it’s not going away anytime soon. On a positive note, we’ve come a long way in acknowledging the importance of mental health across the board—but especially when it comes to our essential, front-line workers. To that end, many hospital leaders have started taking action on burnout.
15 Dec 2021
Global Summit Focuses on Ending Physician Burnout
The first-ever Ending Physician Burnout Global Summit, created by Cardiologist Dr. Jonathan Fisher was held online in August 2021, the summit was the culmination of a year-long effort to gather insights and contributors for a three-day event focused solely on the mental health of clinicians.
30 Nov 2021
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