For Physicians, the Digital Workplace has a Challenging Downside
Are you a physician drowning in work? If so, it could be the digital workplace bringing you down. But wait, aren't all of the digital tools we've been given supposed to help us work better, with more focus and efficiency?
22 Mar 2023
How In-Person Scribes Affect the Physician-Patient Relationship
The Other Person in the Room
The physician-patient relationship is one of the most unique interpersonal dynamics any of us have. Beyond family, where else are such sensitive, vulnerable and deeply personal issues commonly discussed?
12 Jan 2023
Did COVID-19 Kill the In-Person Scribe?
Given today's post-pandemic reality, is it fair to wonder if we've seen the beginning of the end of the live, in-person scribe?
30 Nov 2022
Medicine and Motherhood: The Reality of Juggling Work and Home Life as a Physician Mom
Like all parents, physician parents face challenges when managing their personal and professional lives, but there are important discrepancies in how these challenges impact male versus female physicians that must be addressed.
26 Oct 2022
Female Physicians Spend More Time on Electronic Health Records than Their Male Counterparts
According to a cross-sectional study published in JAMA Network Open, when it comes to the amount of time spent on clinical documentation, women physicians are putting in much more time than male physicians.
06 Oct 2022
5 Ways to Combat Staff Complacency in a Medical Practice
In a time of “healthcare burnout” and “quiet quitting”, clinicians must stay vigilant to ensure work and care quality throughout their practice holds strong.
22 Sep 2022
When Convenience Comes to Call: How Virtual Scribes Complement the Rise of Virtual Medicine
As the broad and ever-evolving world of Virtual Medicine continues to thrive, how do Virtual Scribes fit into the equation? Quite seamlessly, as it turns out.
01 Sep 2022
Surgeon General Releases Advisory Regarding Physician Burnout
Recently, Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy issued something that has also been unprecedented until now: An Advisory on burnout among healthcare workers—and a social mandate to help fight it.
22 Aug 2022
Telehealth: Divide Between Patients and Providers Deepens
In today’s busy world, the convenience of telehealth holds great promise. But as telehealth continues to become more acceptable to patients, there’s a group of people who aren’t quite as eager to move healthcare in a more digital direction, and their title may surprise you: Doctors.
13 Jul 2022
Why Efficiency Expectations Harm Physician Well-being
As documentation demands reach an all-time high and burnout continues to tighten its grip on the healthcare industry, momentum is building for the notion that doctors need time to “slack” to be effective.
28 Jun 2022
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