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Articles of Interest

5 Ways to Combat Staff Complacency in a Medical Practice

All providers strive to deliver quality care and support to patients. However, just like any profession, even the top-performing medical personnel can get caught up in "going through the motions" and become complacent. In a time of “healthcare burnout” and “quiet quitting”, clinicians must stay vigilant to ensure work and care quality throughout their practice holds strong.

When Convenience Comes to Call: How Virtual Scribes Complement the Rise of Virtual Medicine

In what has been referred to as a “bold bet on primary care,” retail giant Amazon recently acquired a primary care company named One Medical in a whopping $3.9 billion deal. This decision by Amazon has made one thing abundantly clear: When it comes to virtual health care, there’s a healthy demand—and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

Surgeon General Releases Advisory Regarding Physician Burnout

It’s an age-old adage that’s been exacerbated over the last few years: How can you be expected to take care of others when you don’t have time to take care of yourself? Yet, regardless of their exhaustion and burnout, healthcare workers must show up every day prepared to provide care for others. Most providers feel that the relentless demand leaves them with little choice.

Telehealth: Divide Between Patients and Providers Deepens

In today’s busy world, the convenience of telehealth holds great promise. With just a couple clicks and a brief chat, we’re able to check off our check-ups easier than ever and get on with our day. But as telehealth continues to become more acceptable to patients, there’s a group of people who aren’t quite as eager to move healthcare in a more digital direction, and their title may surprise you: Doctors.

Why Efficiency Expectations Harm Physician Well-being

As documentation demands reach an all-time high and burnout continues to tighten its grip on the healthcare industry, momentum is building for the notion that doctors need time to “slack” to be effective.

stressed doctor with mask

The Pandemic's Impact on Work-Life Balance

With all the monumental changes to peoples’ lives brought about by the pandemic, several ripple effects took hold.  Without long commutes, people were home in time for dinner with their families, for their kids’ bedtimes, and for walks and bike rides and conversations. People had more time to take a breath and be together. Although it took a global health crisis, an obvious realization occurred: A healthy work-life balance is no longer just a nice perk. It’s now a mandatory requirement for all workers.

Efforts to Recruit Female Physicians in Hospitals

When it comes to seeking out high-quality employees, many businesses will spare no expense to ensure they find the best. As the saying goes, “Your human talent is your most important talent.” This is never more relevant than in the hospital setting.

The High Cost of Physician Burnout: A Look at Rising Expenses

“We keep focusing on resilience training and wellness when we should be focusing on plans to increase support within the health care workforce.” These are the thoughts of a physician struggling with burnout—a worsening concern among clinicians today as the world continues to navigate its way out of a global pandemic.

Virtual Scribes: Strategies to Optimize their use in Healthcare

So, you’ve decided to make the leap toward more time and hire the services of a Virtual Scribe. Smart move, but to make sure you get all that you can out of your new professional relationship, there are a few steps to consider before officially getting things underway.

The Impact of Telemedicine on Medical Documentation

While telemedicine was around long before March 2020, it has never been more prominent than it is right now. As the world continues to find its way through the global pandemic, social distancing and virtual connections have become our new way of life.